One way of monetizing you site is through advertising networks of the PPC kind. What this particular method depends on is the general or regular traffic levels that a website generates along with the click-through rate or the CTR and the CPC or the cost per click. There are quite a lot of sites that offer this particular service today. You only have to get an account from them and then you can begin to earn money from blogging or from keeping your own website and the likes. There is money to be gathered or earned even when you are simply maintaining your own blog or website.
Now, it is common knowledge that there are two kinds of advertising networks. You have the PPC and the second which is the CPM networks for advertising. This one, unlike the PPC networks, would actually rely on the impressions or the page views that your site’s advertisements receives. You can get as high as 10 US dollars on every 1,000 page impressions that you receive and the likes. This is especially best for sites that come with high amounts of page views. If you run a forum online or a digital magazine for example, this can be one of the best ways you can monetize your site.
Another way is by selling advertising spaces that may still be availed at on your site. So that you can get the best advertisers, those that are the highly qualified ones anyway, you would need to have a big audience as well. This is a good way for you to earn money as the other companies that would advertise on your site could also earn from the advertising they do there. In order to do this, you’ll need to learn how you can attract some prolific online and offline shops and the likes so they could buy that advertising space you are selling on your site.
And then you can join in the affiliate marketing fad that is ongoing today in the worldwide web. A lot of people are actually doing this these days to earn bucks online. How does this work? There are quite a lot of online merchants today that may want to advertise their products and services and more so that they could earn from such sales. You can work with them to directly sell their products to your audience or to indirectly sell these products on the condition that you have a quota to complete or achieve. Once you have achieved that quota, then you can get the corresponding commission at that time.
These are only some ways of monetizing your site and there are more. You can look them up online if you more information.